Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This is It!

Apologies? Too late. Ditto.

Do I deserve it? Should he do it? Is it important? Would this heal the past? I guess it is too late.

I always think that God has everything planned and He has to arrange for us to bump into each other today! But what the heck, I am not any anyone whom you can have company when you need someone to be around or just toss it away into the trash bin when you do not have any use for it.

Well, I can tell that his life has been good so far - married with kid, cushy life and even looking extremely prosperous. Congrats, and you can cross your bridge and I will walk my path. If this was something which I owed you in previous life, I hope the debt is paid. And should I owe you anything this life, I hope those have been dutifully paid as well. On the other hand, if you had owed me anything, be it last life or this life that were outstanding, please, I am willing to write off all of them and have nothing to do with you. I do not hope that our paths will ever cross again. NEVER EVER.

I know this will affect close friends (you know who you are), but it hurts me more. Who can truly experience the agony and pain which I went through? And now, I have decided to forget this episode and get on with my life. I want to leave this burden once and for all. I will NOT mention this past again and hope that this marks the full stop for the whole episode.

It affects me that this incident keeps coming back to haunt me time and again. After so many years, I thought time would have purged it out from my system. WAKE UP, it's time you let it go. No point harbouring over it again and again. OKAY! I NEED TO FORGET ABOUT IT.